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- Niagara Gazette - 11/27/1940
Mrs. Erna E. Mehls, of Kreuger
toad, North Tonawanda, announces
the engagement of her daughter,
Doris A., to Mr. Harold w. Korff.
son of Mr. and Mrs. William Korff,
of Ridge road, Lewiston.
Niagara Gazette - 5/21/1941
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran
church was the setting for the marriage*
of Miss Doris A.- Mehls, daughter
of Mrs. Erna Mehls, of Krueger
road, Saturday afternoon, April 26,
at 3:30 o'clock, to Mr. Harold W.
Korff, son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Korff, of Ridge road, Lewiston. The
Rev. Dr. Rudolph Grabau officiated
at the ceremony.
The bride, who was given in marriage
by Mr. Julius Stieg, wore a
long white chiffon gown, made Grecian
style, with long train. Her
long veil fell from a halo of net
trimmed with seeded pearls. She
wore a gold cross, the gift of the
bridegroom, and carried a shower
bouquet of white roses, carnations,
lilies-of-the-valley and gypsophlla.
Miss Velma Durow. cousin of the
bride, was maid of honor. She wore
a long aqua chiffon gown made on
Grecian lines and carried a bouquet
of pink carnations. She Wore matching
flowers In her hair.
Mrs. Miles Nichols, of Lewiston,
sister of the bridegroom and matron
of honor, wore a long orchid
chiffon gown fashioned like that of
the maid of honor. Her bouquet
and flowers in her hair were deep
pink carnations.
The bridesmaids were Miss Beatrice
Medsger of this city, and Miss
Lois Klemer, cousin of the bridegroom.
They were dressed alike in
long pink chiffon gowns made Gre-
clan style and carried bouquets sim
liar to that of the matron of honor,
with matching flowers in their hair.
Grace Dernier and Charlene Cozad
were flower girls and Billy Nichols
nephew of the bridegroom, was the
Mr. Benjamin Wolf, of Bergholus,
was the best man and the ushers
were Mr. Carl Scnoltz. Mr. Willred
Mayer, of Pekin, ana Mr. Robert
Korff, of Lockport, cousins of the
Mrs. Mehls, mother of the bride,
wore a teal blue crepe dress and the
bridegroom's mother wore a navy
blue with white print. Both wore
corsages of roses and sweet peas.
The bride gave compacts to her
bridesmaids and a gold necklace to
the flower girl.
A dinner for 150 guests was served
at « o'clock in the cnurch basement
Covers were laid for 20 at the
bride's table, which was centered
with a wedding cake Bouquets of
mixed flowers were used as decorations
for all the tables. A reception
was held for 200 guests at the nome
of the brides parents later*in the
Mr. and Mrs. Korff left for a
short wedding trip to Canada. They
are now making their home at 395
Wheatfleld street.
Pre-nuptlal showers for the bride
were given by Mrs. Miles Nichols," of
Lewiston, a variety shower; Mrs.
Carl Hauseman, of Wilson, and Mrs.
Charles Scharlau, of Barker, in the
home of the former, a variety shower;
Mrs. Ema Mehls, a variety
shower and linen shower; Mrs. Mary
Durow, of Allen street, a kitchen
shower; Miss Beatrice Haseley. a
peach and blue bedroom shower;
Miss Beatrice Medsger of this city,
a variety shower; Miss Velma Durow
and Miss Lois Klemer, at the home
of the latter in Payne avenue, a
personal shower.
The out-of-town guests were from
Buffalo, Lockport, Barker, Wilson
and this city.