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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 11/21/1919
A pretty wedding was solemnized last
evening at eight o'clock in St. Pauls
Lutheran Church on Washington street
when Miss Mabel Segwalt, a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roggow of Lin
wood avenue was united in marriage
to Mr. August Eberbach. Rev. August
Eberbach, father of the bridegroom,
performed the ceremony. The bridal
music from Lohengrin was played.
Tnn bride, who was given in marriage
by her mother, was charmingly gown
ed in white satin with beaded trimmings
and a court train, Her tulle
veil was caught with a wreath of
orange blossoms and she carried a
shower bouquet of bride roses. Mrs.
Milton Zimpfer was matron of honor
She wore her wedding dress of crepe
meteor and carried yellow chrysan
themums. Miss Henrietta Eberbach,
sister of the bridegroom, was maid of
honor. She was gowned in white
crepe-de-chine and carried yellow chry
santhemums. Miss Lorretta Dietrich,
who was bridesmaid, wore a gown of
white silk chiffon and carried yellow
chrysanthemums. Mr Milton Zimpfer
was the best man. Mrs. Roggow was
gowned in white silk voile. The
church was deccorated with palms. A
reception at the bride's home followed
the ceremony, dinner being served
with covers for ten at the bride's tab-