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- Niagara Gazette - 10/11/1930
Walter Keller, 63. died last evening
at the family home in Mechanic street
after an illness of several months. Funeral
services will be held from the home
on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment
will be in North Ridge cemetery.
Besides his wife, Lillian, he is survived
by eight daughters. Mrs. Alexander
Carmer, Mrs. Thomas Kagles, Mrs.
Frank Donahue, Mrs. Harold Reackhoff,
Loralne. Sarah and Violet, all of this
village, five sons, Walter Keller, Jr. of
this village. Joseph and Mason both
of Lockport, Clarence, of Buffalo, and
Adden, of Santona. Calif., one brother,
Wlllard, of Lockport. two sisters, Mrs.
Frank Robinson, of Niagara Falls, and
Mrs. Cora Becker, of Holland, Mich,.
24 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.