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- Niagara Gazette - 11/9/1942
Funeral Services for Sanborn Man
to Be Held Wednesday.
SANBORN. N. Y.Funeral services
for Henry O. Diller, 74 years
old, a well known resident of thLs
area, who died yesterday ln Niagara
Falls, N. Y.. will be held from
the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Relnhold Krasse. Saunders Settlement
road. Wednesday at 2.30 p.m
with the Rev. Frank N. Taft officiating.
Interment will be in
Shawnee cemetery.
Mr Diller is survived, besides his
daughter, Mrs. Kraase, by Miss Ruth
Diller, of Sanborn, and Mrs. Cora
Sechler, of Barker, N.Y. also
daughters, and three sisters. Mrs.
Andrew Human and Mrs. Ellmer
Smith, both of Sanborn, and Mrs.
Adeline Dewald of North Tona-
wanda. Three grandchildren also
DILLERIn Niagara Falls, N. Y'.. Nov. t.
1841, Henry O.. aged 74; husband of tne
late Emma Wlchterman Diller; father of
Mrs. Cora Sechler. of Barker, N. Y.: Mrs.
Relnhold Kraase and Ruth DUler of
Sanborn. N. Y.: Chauncey of Ransomville,
N. Y.. and Marlon, of Buffalo, N Y.;
brother of Mrs. Andrew Human, and Mrs.
Elmer Smith, of Sanborn, and Mrs. Adeline
Dewald. of North Tonawanda. N.Y.
Also survived by 3 grandchildren and
several nieces and nephews. Funeral
from the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Kraase, on the Saunders Settlement road.
Sanborn. Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 2 30
p.m., the Rev. Frank N. T a l l , officiating.
Interment ln Shawnee cemetery.