Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 8/16/1933
The late summer was marked by a
very pretty wedding which took place
Saturday at 4 o'clock in the Sanborn
Baptist church when Miss Evelyn
Diller, daughter of Henry Diller, of
Sanborn, was united in marriage to
Reinhold P.. Kraase, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Rudolph Bohenstadt, of Lockport,
N. Y. The ceremony of the double
ring service was performed by the
Rev. Frank N. Taft under a beautiful
white arch hung with a wedding bell
and trimmed with pink crepe paper.
The altar was banked with ferns and
garden flowers.
Miss Ethel Miller played the Lohengrin
wedding march and Mrs. Howard
Quast sang "I Love You Truly." v
The bride was lovely in a gown of
white satin and lace, with lace trimmed
tulle veil and laco mitts. She
carried a. shower bouquet of sweetheart-
roses and baby's breath. She
was attended by Mrs. Elaine Ward,
who wore blue crepe with a pink tulle
head band and lace mitts and carried
red roses and baby's breath. Miss
Thelma Carlisle wore pink taffeta
with a blue head band and lace
mitts and carried a bouquet of red
roses and baby's breath.
Chauncey Diller, brother of the
bride, WM best man. The ushers
were Edgar Mielke, Wallace Eick and
Elwln Bodie.
The bride's gifts to her attendants
-were crystal necklaces and the groom's
attendants received gold tie clasps.
Following the ceremony there was a
reception at the homo of the groom's
parents. The rooms were tastefully
decorated with pink and white crepe
paper, with a wedding* bell overhanging
the bride's table. Covers were
laid for 50 guests, 14 being at the
bride's table which was centered with
a large wedding, cake flanked with
tapers in silver holders.
Mr. and Mrs. Kraase started that
evening on a trip to Chicago^ 111., to
visit the World's Fair.
Pre-nuptlal affairs for the bride
were a bedroom shower given by Mr3.
Elaine Ward, of Niagara Falls, a
variety shower by Mrs. Paul Bohenstadt,
of Wilson, variety showers by
Miss Thelma Carlisle, of Sanborn, and
Mrs. Lambert Drusy, of Lockport, and
a shower by the World Wide Guild
Girls at which Mrs. Kraase was given
a reading lamp.