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- Niagara Gazette - 2/26/1931
William Jacobs was delightfully surprised
on Sunday, the occasion being
his fiftieth birthday. Friends and relatives
were present from Niagara -Falls.
Lewiston. Lockport. Ransomville,
Youngstown. Tonawanda and North
Ridge. The oldest guest was his mother,
Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Lewiston,
who Is 82 years eld. The youngest one
present was a grand-son. Le Roy Zastrow,
aged two years, of Martinsville.
the three children of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacobs were present, Mrs. Arlene Zastrow,
of Martinsville, with her husband
and four children. Lawrence Jacobs of
Niagara Falls and WUlard Jacobs at
home. .
Two brothers, Frank Jacobs of tho
Million Dollar highway,, and Albert
Jacobs of the Randall road, and four
Isisters. Mrs. Emma Strablow of the
take road. Youngstown. Mrs. Bertha
Simmons of the Ridge road, Mrs. Ella
iDobberteau of Niagara Falls, and Mrs.
Lena Llndhurst of Lewiston.
A most delicious supper was served
to the 52 guests from a beautiful apipolnted
table decorated In pink and
white with a bounteous birthday cake
as a center-piece.
Mr. Jacobs received many beautiful
and useful gifts. After a pleasant
evening the guests departed wishing
ihelr host many more happy birthdays.
Niagara Gazette - 4/1958
JACOBS - William F. At home, North
Ridge, Town of Cambria, April
30. 1958. at 77. Husband of Eva
Lafler Jacobs.- rather of Mrs,
Charles Zastrow. North Rldge.
Lawrence J. .of Niagara Falls. Wlllard
L. Hlajeah. Fla. Brother of
of Mrs. Emma Strablow, Lewtston.
N. Y., Mrs. Chris Sack of Wilson.
N. Y.. Mrs. Bertha Simmons and
Mrs. Herman Llndhurst both of
Raneomvllle. Also survived by 19
grandchlldren and 13 great grandchildren,
Funeral Saturday, May 3.1958
at 2 p.m. from the Hardlson
Funeral Home, 8. Lake St.. Ransomvllle.
Rev. Harold Bllsh ei
North Ridge Methodist Church offlciated.
Interment, North Ridge Cemetery.