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- Niagara Gazette - 9/15/1932
KRKLLIn this city. Monday. Sept. 12th,
1932, .Mrs. Mary Krell. of 317 l i s t street,
beloved wife of Kenneth, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Sessinan of Lawrence,
Mass.. sister of Thomas and Barbara Ann
Sessman of this city. Funeral services
from her lste residence, 31" l i s t street,
Thursday morning, Sept. 15th at 8.30
o'clock and from St. John de La Salle
church at 9 o'clock.
Niagara Gazette - 9/13/1932
Mrs. Mary Krell, 20 years old, wife
of Kenneth" Krell, 317" Seventy-first
street, died at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon
in Memorial hospital following a
short illness. Funeral services will be
held at St. John de La Salle church at
9 a. m. Thursday. Burial will be In
Rlverdale cemetery.
. Mrs. Krell was born In Lawrence,
Mass. She had lived here.for the past
18 months. Besides her husband, she
is survived by her parents, Mr. arid
Mrs. Thomas Fessman, of Lawrence,
one brother, Thomas Fessman, of this
city, and one sister, Barbara Ann Fessman.