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- Niagara Gazette - 7/1/1948
Falls Vet's Body
Home Tomorrow
The body of Pvt. Joseph H. Nassoiy,
son of Mr. and Mrs.-Georgt H.
Nassoiy, 1120 Eleventh street, who
lost his life while fighting In the
Pacific, will be returned to this
city tomorrow morning for funeral:
services on Saturday, it was announced
The services will be held at 9:30
a. m. at the Rhoney Puneral home
and at 10 o'clock at Sacred Heart
church. Interment will be in Veterans
plot, Riverdale cemetery. P»r-
Uclpatlng U> the services will be a
military eaoort from the Catholic
War Veterans post of tht pariah.
A graduate of Beared Heart
school, and later an employe at
Chlsholm-Ryder Company, Inc.,
Pvt. Nassoiy entered the armed services
In 1043. He was killed at
Maffln Bay, New Guinea, in January,
Besides his parents he is survived
by three brothers, T/Sgt. Richard
Nassoiy, Japan, and John and Kenneth
Nassoiy, this city, and four
sisters, Miss Mary* Gertrude Nassoiy,
Mrs. Clarence Pendergast, Mrs.
Paul Richardson and Mrs. Gerald
Robinson, all of this city. He Is
the grandson of Mrs. Joseph Nassoiy,
Lewlston. and of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Frye.