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- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 6/2/1923
Alanson C. Bigalow, sheriff of
Niagara county, passed away at his
residence hers at 10:15 o'clock last
night The end had been momentarily
expected for some time, all hope for
the sheriff's recovery having been
given up by his attending physicians
several weeks ago. During the past
weeks he had failed gradually and
those nearest to him knew the end
was near. He was in his 65 th year.
Active in Public Life.
Sheriff Bigalow has been in poor
health for several months past.
Some time ago, about ths first of
the year, he underwent a serious
operation' at St Mary's hospital,
Niagara Falls, He survived the operation,
and was able to be brought
to his home here, but has failed
steadily since.
He has been a man of, prominence
for many years in the county. He
was born on the Randall road In the
town of Wilson, June 27, 1859. attended
the district schools, and engaged
in farm work during his early
manhood. Later he was also engaged
in the purchase and ahlpment of
livestock. After removing to the
yillage of Wilson- Mr. Bigalow for
many years conducted a general
store there, and also was interested
In the Wilson Lumber Company and
in other substantial enterprises, at
his death being a director of the
Wilson Cold Storage plant
In 1898 he was elected supervisor
from- the town of Wilson on the Republican
ticket, was re-elected in
1901, and again In 1902, serving continuously
for five years. During that
time he served on important committees,
and headed the sheriffs
committee and the superintendent of
poor's committee. On April 15, 1907
he was appointed county superintendent
of poor to fill a vacancy in
that position, and In November 1907
was elected to the office for a term
of three years. He was four times
re-elected, the last two without opposition.
He has always been a
staunch Republican, on which party
ticket he was elected sheriff November
2, 1920 by the largest majority
ever given a candidate in the
On November 8, 1883 he was married
to Emma M. Bobzien of East
Wilson, and they have three sons,
Fred A., Ellsworth M., and L. Chester
Bigalow. Mr. Bigalow was a
member of Ontario Lodge No. 276,
F. and A. M.; Wilson Lodge. No. 931
I. O. O. F., of which he was a charter
member, the Wllsonian Club of
Wilson, and others. He attended the
Methodist Episcopal church of Wilson.
Was Zealous Official.
As in all of his other public duties
and relations with others. Sheriff
Bigalow conducted his office with
sincerity and ability. Hs strove always
to uphold the laws he was
sworn to enforce, and was perhaps
best known for his activities In the
enforcement of the prohibition laws.
He was known taw length and
breadth of the stats for his seal
In running down liquor smuggling.
and attempts to curb the activities
of bootleggers and in this achieved
considerable success. He did his
duty as he saw it,
He was Interested in the activities
of ths Niagara County Law Enforcement
Association and on several
occasions made public addresses
and appeals' for the better enforcement
of the Volstead and Mullan-
Gage acts. His war against ths rumrunners
began with his first week In
office, and did not relent until illness
forced him to cease an active
part In the running of his office. Almost
to the point of death however
M directed from the sick bed the
administration of the affairs of the
s h e r i f f s department, through his
nephew, and clerk, Elton C. Wllle.
For the present the affairs of the
office will be In the hands of Mr.
Wills, Under Sheriff George Hoak
of Niagara Falls, who temporarily
succeeds to the office pending the
appointment of a successor by Governor
Smith, Is ill at his home. His
Condition Is said to be serious, He
waa stricken several days ago with
grippe, and will be unable for some
time to take any part in the sheriff's
affairs. The present staff will
continue until new appointments are
made. Governor Smith will be notified
today "of the sheriff's death by
County Clerk Frank H. Fogal, but
the governor Is expected to leave
Albany Monday for a short vacation,
and may not make an appointment
Burial at Wilson
Funeral services will be held here
and at Wilson Monday afternoon. A
short service will be held-at the
sheriff*s late residence adjoining the
jail on Niagara street at 1 o'clock,
standard time, and at 2 o'clock services
will be held in the Methodist
Episcopal church at Wilson, of
which the deceased was a life-long
and active member. Burial will be
In Greenwood cemetery, Wilson. Beside
the widow and three sons,
Sheriff Bigalow leaves three grand
children, and several nephews and