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- Niagara Gazette - 4/17/1964
R. E. Shamrock
Roland E. Shamrock, 65, of 56
Geneva St., died Thursday
(April 16, 1964) in Buffalo:
Veterans Hospital.
Born in this city, he was
formerly employed by the
New York Central Railroad
Express and was a member of
Grace Lutheran Church, the
American Legion, Tonawan-
das Post 264, Eldredge Bi-
cycle Club and Company K,
108th U.S. Infantry Group.
He is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Emma Meyers Sham-
rock; a daughter, Mrs. Wil-
liam Shirley Prescot; a son,
Rolland Shamrock, both of
this city; three sisters, Mrs.
Clara Bronchiele, Buffalo;
Mrs. Laura Harkness and
Mrs. Sally Arga, both of
Baltimore, Md.; a brother,
Arthur Shamrock, this city;
and five grandchildren.
Funeral services will be
conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday
in the Brunner Funeral Home
by Rev. Howard E. Funk.
Burial will be Frieden's Cem-