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- Niagara Gazette - 4/12/1949
Dies at Wheatfield
12Mrs. Margaret Scherrer, 46, of
the Nash road, died yesterday
afternoon, at her home. Born In'
Germany, Mrs. Scherrer had lived
here the last 26 years. She was a
member of Ascension church, North
Tonawanda. *
Surviving are her husband, Frank;
four daughters, Mrs. Lenwood
Schumacher. Wheatfield, Margaret.
Anna and Elizabeth Scherrer, and
two sons,' Frederick' and Edwin
Sherrer, all at home.
Last rites, will be held Thursday
at 6:30 a. m. from the Hanip
funeral home to Ascension church
for Mass at S o'clock. Interment
will be In ML Olivet cemetery.