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- Niagara Gazette - 7/11/1968
Funeral services will be held
S a t u r d a y for Thomas E.
Shields, 56, of 9317 Hennepin
Aye., who died Wednesday.
Mr. Shields died after suffering
an apparent heart attack
while riding in his 30-foot boat
in the Barge .Canal near the
Rochester Suburb of Brighton^
MfT Shield's wife, Gameta,
administered ' mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation, while their
daughter Barbara, 15, piloted
the boat" to shore. Mr. Shields
was pronounced' dead at the
scene by. Monroe County
Medical -Examiner John E.
Edlarid.. \y.
Mr. Shields was born Aug.
10, 1911, in Cleveland, Ohio. He
was employed as an. engineer
in the Carbon Products Division
} of-Union-Carbide:Corp7-He-:was
a member of the LaSalle Yacht
Surviving are his wife,
Gemeta; two sons, Thomas-R.
Shields "of this city, and James
A. Shields, in. the UX Army;
one daughter, Barbara," at'
home; and two sisters, Mrs.
Lucile McElwain and Mrs.
Hugh (Kathryn) ShipstonT both
of this city.
Funeral services will be held
Saturday at the Lane Funeral
Home at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Fred
House of First M e t h o d i st
Church will officiate. Burial will
be in Memorial Park Cemetery.
Friends may call at the
funeral home today from 7 to
9 p.m.. and Friday "from 2 to 5,-
and from 7 ot 9 p.m.