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- Niagara Gazette - 2/4/1937
RANSOMVUXE, Feb. 4.Funer&l
services for Fred Shirley, 58 years old,
of thla village, were held yesterday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the.
Ransomvllle M. E. church. The Rev.
Peter Van Buren officiated, assisted
by tho Rev. Thomas S. Simpson, of
the) Freo Methodist church. Mr.
Simpson sang "My Heavenly Father
Knows," accompanied by Mrs. Fanny
'" The bearers were: Sherman Clark,
Charles Sohults, Charles Monnen,
William Neumann, George Stacy and
Frank AmsdaU. Interment was In
North Ridge cemetery.
Mr. Shirley was a native of Bedford,
England, having come to this
country when a small boy, and spent
bis entire life In Niagara county.
In 1003 he became an employe of
the New York Central railroad, after
which he became section foreman on
the R W. & O. Much credit Is due
Mr. Shirley for his capability during
these years, as he was awarded the
subdivision prig© three years and
grand division prise one year. He
was also a member of the Brotherhood
of Maintenance of Way Lodge,
No. 453, of Oswego.
While Mr. Shirley was In poor
health, he was active at his work
until two weeks before his death. He
was stricken with pneumonia and was
ill two weeks.
He leaves his wife, Mrs. Allle M,
Shirley, nee Fowler; one son, Lewis
V. Shirley, of Ransomvllle; two sisters
and one brother, of Bedford, England.