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- Niagara Gazette - 11/25/1921
Son of Falls Family Who Enlisted in Canadian Army Is Reported
to Be in Oregon with Rigging Gang, the News
Carried Here Thanksgiving. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Shomers. of No. 339
Sixth street, had their Thanksgiving
joys heightened yesterday by tho receipt
of a. letter from John Shomers,
Jr., 34 y e a r s old. from whom they had
received no word since his enluitment
in tho Canadian army during the summer
of 1918. Young Shomers was working
in Winnipeg, at the outbreak of the
world war, and his parents received a
letter in '1910 stating that ho was going
to enlist. As no farther word was received,
after the signing of tho armis-
tico, they wrote the Canadian Armypersonnel
bureau in Ottawa and a reply
was received stating that all trace i
'of Shomers had been lost. After this
he was given up a s among the missing
dead, lie is now employed as boss rigger,
with the Standard American Dredging
company, who a r e now doing a big
harbor job inOregon. Clarence Shomers
a brother was killed tn France on
August 2S, l^lS, and Harry was wounded
and gassed but is now a t home with
his parents.