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- Niagara Gazette - 7/8/1944
Long Illness Fatal to
Mrs. Julius Kriedeman
III for two years with a heart
condition, Mrs. Clara Kriedeman.
88. wife of Julius Krledeman. 522
Second street, died in Memorial
hospital last night. She was a native
of Lancaster, N. Y., and had
resided here 41 years.
Besides her husband, she is survived
by two daughters. Mrs. Irene
Satkkeberg and Mrs. Clara Edwards,
and a sister, Mrs. George Stanford,
of this city, and two grandchildren,
Sergeant Robert Sattleberg. over
seas, and Lorraine Satlleberg, of
this city.
The funeral will be held from
the Redanz funeral home at 8:15
a.m. Monday, with services at
St. Mary's church at 9 a.m. and
interment in Gate of Heaven cemetery.