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- Niagara Gazette
O'BARA—Agatha A- of 2788 Monroe
Ave., S t Mary's Hospital, Sunday.
Oct 10. 1954. Wife of Blazej mother
er of Alex and Stanley, also Mrs.
Genevieve Skurski, also '7 grand'
children all of this city. Slster'of
Blazey Ciolek and Mary Ciolek. Mrs.
Ida Medygral and Sr. M. Antoinette
of PoIand Funeral Service will be
held from Zajac Funeral Home, corner
of 24th and Welch Ave.. Wed-
nesday. Oct. 13, 1054 at 0:30 a.m. at
Stanislaus Koslka Church 10 a.rril
Interment Holy Trinity Cemetery,,
Deceased was a m e m b e r of the
Lady's Rosary Society St Stadia*
laus Catholic Church.