Family |
BEHRENS, Hazel Estelle, b. 12 Aug 1904, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY d. Mar 1979, Fox Lake, Lake County, IL (Age 74 years) |
Marriage |
9 Sep 1941 |
Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY |
Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 1941
Mrs. Minnie Behrens. of Pierce
avenue, announces the engagement
of her daughter, Hazel to Mr. Herbert
Vockroth. of Washlngton street.
The wedding will take place in
Niagara Gazette - 9/11/1941
The marriage of Hazel Davis.
daughter of Mrs. Minnie Burns, of
Pierce avenue, and Mr. Herbert
Vockroth of Washington street was
quietly solemnlxed Tuesday after-
noon at 3:30 o'clock at the Zion
Lutheran church with the pastor
of the church, the Rev. Arthur H.
Schmoyer, DD, officiating.
The bride chose a frock of brown
of wool with matching accessories
and a dainty corsage of Talisman
Mrs. Harold Stevens, matron of
honor, wore a becoming frock of
blue wool with matching acces-
sories and a corsage of mixed flowers.
A reception was held after the
ceremony at the Red Coach Inn for
the immediate families and a few
close friends. The Bride's table
was attractive in its appointments
of bridal white and a wedding cake.
After Oct 1, Mr. and Mrs. Vock-
roth will reside at 1215 Linwood
Family ID |
F19925 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
14 Mar 2025 |