Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 2/8/1939
Oilbert V. Smyth. 38-year-old
salesman, of 109 Seventy-.»even'h
street, dropped dead last night
while attending a dinner of the
Laymen's association of the Fir*.t
PresbyteriAn church, of which he
waa a member. Coroner Harry R.
Ernes, after an Investigation, said
, death waa due to a heart attack.
The man waa recently confined to
a hospital with a severe attack of
! Mr. Smyth, a native of Nova Scotia,
had lived here for the last 13
years. He was employed by the
Mansville Home Insulation company.
Surviving him arc his wife.
Mrs. Edith Smyth; two som. Howard
and Lome; his parent*. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank A. Smyth, and two
brother*. James H. and Loran
Smyth, all of this city, and three
alsters, Mrs. Thom.'w Pledge", of this
city, and Mrs. James Campbell and
Mrs. Harry Martin, of Buffalo
The funeral will be held from the
family home at 830 am. Priday,
with services at St, John de La
Salle church at 9 am. Burial will
be In Rlverdale cemetery.