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- Niagara Gazette - 10/18/1948
Falls Tot Died
Of Meningitis
Taken to Mt. St. Mary's hospital
yesterday when an illness from
which he was suffering became
worse. David McAlee, two-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul McAlee,
931$ Read avenue, was pronounced
dead on arrival at the hospital
Coroner James W. Heary reported
today that an examination revealed
that the child was a victim of men-
"The disease was not of the epidemic
type," Coroner Heary said.
The boy la survived by his
parents: three brothers, Paul. Barry
and Thomas McAlee: two sisters,
Marjorie and Cathryne McAlee, and
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McAlee and Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Phillips, all of this city.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday
at 8:30 am. at the Lane
Funeral home. Buffalo avenue, and
at o o'clock at Prince of Peace