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- Niagara Gazette - 12/19/1945
Mrs Anna Virginia Taylor
O ' L a u g h l i n, 29. of 2471 Linwood avenue,
died todav at the Memorial
h o s p i t a l
Born a Pittsburgh, P a . October
23. 1917. she spent the g r e a t e r part
of her her in this city. Her p a r e n t s.
who survive are William and Clara
Klein Taylor.
Mrs, O'Laughlin was a graduate of
Niagara Falls high school and was
a member ol the Theta Lambda Chi
sorority. She was formerlv employed
by the Moore Business Form, Inc
arid the Auto-Lite. Battery corporation.
On March 17, 1941 she married
Michael C. O'Laughlin, who also
O t h e r survives include a daughter,
A n n a Virginia, and a brother,
Robert G. Taylor. of this city.