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- Niagara Gazette - 6/28/1927
EIDT—Suddenly. In this city. Sunday, Jnne
26, 1927. Henry Eidt of 2479 Willow avenue,
brother of Mrs. John Thaler of this
city. Mrs. Edward Wendt of North Tona-
wanda and Frederick and Louis of Niagara
Falls, Ont. Funeral services from O.
H. Bell's Funeral Parlors at 720.Tenth
street Thursday afternoon. June 30th at
2 o'clock and from Zlon Lutheran church
at 2:30. Rev. Herman Brezlng officiating.
Interment In Falrview cemetery, Niagara
Falls, Ont.
Henry Eidt. 35 years old, 2477 Willow
avenue, died suddenly of heart disease
while in his garden shortly after 3:30
o'clock yesterday afternoon. The body
was found by Mrs. John Thaler. Eldt's
sister, 816 Pierce avenue, and her family,
when they went to visit him. Cororenr
Harry R.- Ernes was called and
issued a certificate of death from heart
Eidt was last seen alive by Mrs
William Schut. 2475 Willow avenue.
She said she saw him walking In his
garden about 10.30 a. m. yesterday.
Eidt lived alone at the Willow avenue
address. He was employed at the De-
fiance Paper company's plant/