Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 1/7/1942
Private Richard Earl Thomas. 22-
year-old son of Patrolman and Mrs.
Richard O. Thomas, or 1164 Eightyninth
street, was ratally Injured in
a trarric accident at Port Dlx, N.
J., where he was a member or
Company B. 174th Inrantry. Word
of the fatality reached here last
evening and the young soldier's
father learned of his son's death
while he was driving a police patral
car in the La Salle section of
the city.
Complete details of the accident
have not been learned here. Private
Thomas and other soldiers were said
to have been returning to quarters
a«er delivering a load or supplies
when the truck on which they were
driving overturned. The Palls man
died a short time later.
Bom In this city, Private Thomas
attended the public schools and the
Niagara Falls high school. He later
worked at the plant of the USL
Battery corporation tnd spent some
time in a CCO camp. Be left for
Fort Dlx with the local companies
of the New York National Guard
In September, 1940.
Besides his parents, he Is survived
by a sister, Dorothy.
The body will arrive here tomorrow
and military funeral services
will be held at 2 p. m. Friday at the
Bell funeral chapel, with the Rev.
Melvln J. Keyes officiating. Burial
will be In Memorial Park cemetery.