Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 10/16/1961
Former Falls
Resident Dies
A garage operator In Pine
Avenue for 45 years. August
Wagner. 73, a resident of
Walsingham. Ont. for the
last five years, died in Sim-
coe, Ont., Saturday (Oct. 14,
Mr. Wagner was born in
this city in 1888.
Survviing are his wife. Mrs.
Dora B. Wagner, Walsingham:
a son, Leonard Wagner, this
city; three daughters. Mrs.
Thomas Male. Augusta. Ga.
Mrs. Edward Weise Jr.. Altus,
Okla. and Mrs. Eli Hurwitz.
Rochester: 11 grandchildren;
two brothers. Frank and Carl
Wagner, this city, and five
sisters. Mrs. Ernest Clarkson,
Mrs. Wilbur Tower and Mrs.
James Mackie. this city, ami
Mrs. Anna Owens. Mt. Plea
sant. Tenn.. and Mrs. Fred
McCoy, Pekin.
Funeral services will be
held at the Clark Funeral
Home. Port: Rowan, Ont.,
Tuesday at 2 p.m.