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- Niagara Gazette - 12/1/1955
Mrs. Schuler, 58,
Dies in Hospital
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Schuler, 58, wife
of Elmer Schuler, Lower Mountain
Rd., died last evening (Nov. 30,
1955; in Lockport City Hospital
a*fter a six-month illness.
Born in Swormsville, Feb. 9, 1897,
Mrs. Schuler was the daughter of
Henry and Teresa Schuchert Keller.
She attended St. Mary's parochial
school, Swormsville, and was
a member of St. Mary's Church,
In addition to her husband, she
is survived by four daughters,
Mrs. Raymond Townsend, North
Ridge, Mrs. Vira. Schuler, Pendleton,
and Mrs. Joseph Hammer,
Middleport, Mrs. Robert Berst,
Tonawanda; four sons. Alton F.
Schuler, Wilson and Elmer H.
Schuler Jr., Cambria; a sister, Mrs.
William Bischkopf, Lockport; and
three brothers, Elbert Keller, Syracuse,
and George and William Keller,
Services will be held at 8:30 a.m.
Saturday at the Gaul Funeral
Home, 263 East Ave. and at 9
o'clock at St. Mary's Church. Burial
will be in Shawnee Cemetery.