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- Niagara Gazette
B U T S K l - S u d d e n l y at Memorial Hos-
pi t a l . Saturday, March 1, 1958,
Walter Butski of 3137 North Ave.
Husband of Stephanie. Father of
Walter J r . Miss P h y l l i s . Miss Lorr
a i n e , Miss Diane and Richard. Son
of Anthony Butskl. Brother of
S t a n l e y . Anthony. William, Edward,
C h e s t e r . Mrs. Viola Rydelek. Mrs.
Mary Wylucki. Mrs. Helen Borow
icz . Mrs. Stella Borowicz. and
Mrs. Gladys Wylucki. all of this
city Funeral services wfll be held
f r om the Chester G. Tubinis Funeral
Home. 1646 Falls St.. Wednesday.
March 5. at 9:16 a.m., and
at 10 o'clock from St. Stanislaus
Kostka Church Interment in Holy
T r i n i t y Cemetery.