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- Niagara Gazette - 8/25/1944
At St Paul's Evangeucal Lutheran
church oh Monday afternoon.
September 4. at 4:30 o'clock. the
Rev. Louis Heuer. of Columbus,
Ohio, win officiate at the wedding
ceremony of his niece. Miss Florence
Voelker, to Mr. Arthur Ruff, veteran
of the African. Sicilian and Italian
campaigns. The Rev. John Ruder,
pastor, will also officiate at the cer
Miss Voelker, has chosen her
sister, Miss Edith Voelker, to be
maid of honor; Mrs. George Gombert,
matron of honor, and Miss
Marion Gombert, Miss Loretta Ruff
and Miss Cora Bacon, as her
The bes man will be Mr. Richard
Ruff, brother, of the bridegroom elect
The ushers will be Mr. Alfred
Schultz and Mr. Ferdinand
The bride-elect Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Voelker. of
1831. Michigan avenue. Mr. Ruff,
the bridegroom-elect. Is the son of
Mrs. Henrietta Ruff, of 3225 Ely