Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 6/27/1945
A lovely June wedding was solemnized
at the First Presbyterian
church in Erie, Pa., where the Rev.
James Renwick Jackson performed
the double ring ceremony uniting
in marriage Miss Leonora Dorothy
Voelker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester A. Voelker, of 1833 Michigan
avenue, and Mr. James J. Freeman,
son of Mrs. and Mrs. Lynn J.
Stewardson. of 809 Ashland avenue,
both of this city.
The bride was charming In her
gown of white silk marquisette with
a net yoke forming a high round
neckline, shirred bodice and full
skirt trimmed with rows of Alencon
lace ending in a graceful train. The
long sleeves ended in graceful points
over her hand with tiny buttons at
the wrist. Her fingertip veil of illusion
felUfrom a Dutch cap of lace
medallions. The bride's only Jewelry
was a strand of pearls, a gift from
the bridegroom. She carried a
white Bible fastened with a white
orchid and baby's breath tied with
satin streamers.
Mrs. James P. Neal of Savannah,
Ga., sister of the bride and matron
of honor, was attired in a baby blue
marquisette gown with contrasting
pink tlarra headdress with shoulder-
length veil. She carried a colonial
bouquet of pink roses, pink
and white sweet peas and knots of
blue tied with pink satin ribbon.
Mr. John A. Campbell, of McKoon
avenue, this ctiy, was the best man.
The bride's mother wore a streetlength
dress of pink sheer trimmed
with black lace and had black accessories.
The bridegroom's mother
wore a grey, crepe dress with
black accessories. Each wore a
corsage of gardenias and pink
roses.- Mrs. William Stewardson, of
Waterford, Ont., grandmother of
the bridegroom, wore black crepe
and a gardenia corsage to complete
her outfit.
The wedding dinner was held at
the Samovar for the immediate families.
A reception was held at the
home of the .bride's parents from 6
to 9 o'clock with more than 200
guests attending. The house was
beautifully decorated with baskets
and vases of peonies. The table
was beautiful with a lace filet cloth
centered with a four-tier wedding
cake topped with a miniature bride
and bridegroom, with white tapers
in crystal candelabra. Mrs. Marvin
Voelker presided at the tea
table and Miss Frances Voelker assisted.
For the wedding trip the bride
chase a gold Beaukool suit with
brown and white accessories and
her bridal orchid for her corsage.
The bride was extensively entertained
prior to her marriage. A
dinner was held In her honor at the
Ray-Ott club by members and
friends of her bowling teams with
Mrs. Emily Male acting as hostess.
A beautiful blanket was presented to
the guest of honor. Mrs. B. Mitchell,
of Cedar avenue entertained at a
knlck knack shower, where the
bride received many novel gifts.
Mrs. Marvin Voelker and daughter.
Frances, of Willow avenue, gave a
red and white kitchen shower. The
bride's co-workers at the main, office
of tha Carborundum company
held a dinner-shower at the Samovar.
Lovely boudoir lamps, chest
and vanity piece and brush, comb
and mirror set were presented to
the bride. Miss Margaret Cunningham
and Mrs. Carson Lisman arranged
the affair.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Freeman
are now residing at 1021 Main street,
Apartment No. 3.