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- Niagara Gazette - 10/15/1948
Falls Man Dies
In Buffalo Hospital
Louis G. Pratt, 53, Catherine
street, Wilson, a former resident of
this city, died yesterday at Millard
Fillmore hospital, Buffalo, after
an illness of two weeks.
Mr. Pratt, a Carborundum com-
pany employe for the last 11 years,
resided in this city for eight years
before moving to Wilson In 1926.
Be was a member of Wilson Lodge
881, IOOP, of which be was a past
noble grand; a charter-member of
Martin F. Jennings Post, American
Legion; a member of Wilson Methodist
church; a past master of Warren's
Comers grange, and a member
of the Wilson band.
Surviving are his wife, .MrsT
Helena Volls Pratt; a daughter.
Miss Rita Pratt, Wilson; two brothers.
Dr. Lee O. Pratt, this city, and
Stanley Pratt, Lockport, and a sister.
Mrs. Mabel Mlxon, Largo. Fia.
Funeral services will be held at
the home tomorrow at 2:30 pin.
Burial will be In North Ridge