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- Rochester NY Democrat Chronicle - 7/25/1924
Lockport, July 24. William Volschow,
57 years old, died yesterday at his home.
No. 359 Niagara street, after a week's
Surviving, besides his wife, Harttie,
are one son, Herbert, his mother, Mary:
five brothers and seven sisters, Theo-
dore and Fred, of Olcott; Joseph and
Louis of Lockport and John of Barker,
Mrs. Lena Krueger, Mrs. Minnie Lawton,
and Mrs. Rose Reachkoff, of Ol-
c o t t ; Mr. Ann Geiger and Mrs. Emma
Mathers, of Middlepnrt ; Mrs. Reka
Gillmaster, of Medina, and Mrs. Mary
Israel, of Wilson Funeral services will
be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at Trinity Lutheran church. Burial will
be made in Cold Springs cemetery.