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- Niagara Gazette - 1/22/1929
Funeral services will be held tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock at St. John
de La Salle church for Patrick Cuddahee,
78 years old. who died Sunday at
t h e home of his son. Jeremiah Cuddahee,
261 Seventy-ninth street, after a
long illness. The funeral will be held
from the family home, 7422 Buffalo
avenue, at 8:30 o'clock. Burial will be
In St. Mary's cemetery.
Mr. Cuddahco was born in Tlpperary
County. Ireland, and came to Nlagata
Falls 28 years ago. For 21 years he
was employed by the Union Carbide
company, retiring from active work
about six years ago. He Is survived by
two sons, Jeremiah, of this city, and
Daniel, of Burlington, Vt. and one daughter,
Mrs. Homer Brown, of this city.