Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 2/7/1948
The marriage of Miss Helen Bernlce
Weber, daughter of Mrs.
Charles Weber, Division, street, to
Mr. Edward McCormlck, Buffalo,
Was solemnized this morning at 11
o'clock at St. Teresa's church, with
the Rev. John Ryan officiating,
The bride was given In marriage
by her brother, Mr. John A. Weber,
this city. She wore a smart tailored
gabardine suit In carmel shade with
straw hat of' tan, accessories of
brown and, corsage of orchids.
Mrs. Ray Lapp, Kenmore, sister
of the bride, was her only attendant
Mr. Emmett McCormlck, Sanborn,
brother of the bridegroom, was the
best man and Mr. John Maloney,
Wllllamsvllle, and Mr. Ray Lapp;
Kenmore, were the ushers.
The wedding breakfast for the
members of the wedding party and
Immediate families was served at
the Red Coach Inn and the reception
will .be given at the home of
the mother of the bride from 3 to 5
Children |
| 1. WEBER, Helen Bernice, b. 6 Aug 1911, New York d. 18 Jan 1995, Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY (Age 83 years) |
| 2. WEBER, Marion F, b. 2 Sep 1913, New York d. 27 Nov 2005, Buffalo, Erie County, NY (Age 92 years) |
| 3. WEBER, John A, b. Abt 1916, New York d. Bef 1935 (Age < 18 years) |