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- Niagara Gazette - 1/24/1922
Mrs. Lena Long, 69 years old, of No.
1636 Eighth street, died suddenly yesterday
afternoon about 5.30 o'clock at
the family residence. Mrs. Long suffered.
an attack of heart trouble about
two weeks ago but recovered and ap-
parently was getting along well. Yes-
terday afternoon she was sitting in
the living room conversing with sev-
eral members of the family when she
suddenly sank in her chair and the
end came within a very few minutes,
She was born in the city of Lock-
port on April 23. 1852. Thirty years
ago when her husband. John Long,
entered the United States custom service,
the family, moved to this city
and have resided here ever since. Besides
her husband Mrs. Long is survived
by three sons. Benjamin, Frank
J. and Harry C, all of this city, and
one daughter, Mrs. Charles A. Weber,
also of Niagara Falls, one sister. Mis.
Elizabeth McCormlck, of Lockport.
and two brothers. Frank C. Carr, Of .
lockport, and Michael Carr of Buf-
falo. There are also three grand- 12
children. Bernice and Marion Weber,
and Betty Long.
The funeral services will be held
Thursday morning at 8.30 o'clock from
the family home, and at 9 o'clock from
the Sacred Heart church. The Rev.
James J. Roche will officiate. The
body will be placed temporarily in the
mausoleum at Oakwood cemetery.
Burial will be at the convenience of
the family.