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- Niagara Gazette - 5/31/1970
Clarence F. Swearengen, 67,
of 6420 Elsa Place, Town, of
Niagara, died suddenly at
Mount St. Mary's Hospital on
Friday (May 20, 1970).
Born on Apr. 18, 1903 in
Howesville, W. Va., M r .
Swearengen lived in Niagara
Falls for 40 years. He retired
as a furnace operator at
Union Carbide in 1963.
He is survived by his wife
M a r g uerite Swearengen:
t h r e e s o n s , D o n a ld
Swearengen of Youngstown.
and Clarence and Richard
Swearengen, both of the Town
of Niagara; and a daughter.
Mrs. Alvin (Mary) Timm of
North Tonawanda.
Also surviving are two
sisters, Mrs. Arthur (Nell)
Everts of Naples. Fla., and
Mrs. Carl (Lillian) Wright of
Hofsville. W.Va..: 14
grandchildren, three great
grandchildren and s e v e r a l
nieces, and nephews.
Funeral services will be
held on Tuesday from Hope
Lutheran Church at 2 p.m.
with the Rev. Karl A. Brenner
officiating. Burial will be in
Memorial Park Cemetery.
Friends may call at the
Grimes Funeral Home today
and Monday from 2 to 9 p.m.