Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 6/30/1952
Funeral services will be held
Thursday for Stanley Bialy, 1931
Welch avenue, who died yesterday
at Mt. St. Mary's hospital after a
lengthy illness.
Survivors include his wife, Jose-
phine; a daughter, Mrs. Emily Wie-
leba, and a brother, John Bialy, all
of this city.
Born in Poland, Mr. Bialy has
lived in Niagara Falls since 1914.
He was employed at the Aluminum
Company of America plant for 35
years until it closed.
The body will be at the Tubinis
Funeral home.
Following a 9:15 a.m. service at
the funeral home and a 10:00 a.m.
Mass at Holy Trinity church, burial
will take place in Holy Trinity
cemetery. Mr. Bialy was a member
of Holy Trinity Z.P.R.K. No 712.