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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 11/17/1958
Martin, 174 Zimmerman St,, announce the engagement of
their daughter, Shirley Ann, to Jerome G. Karp, son of Mrs.
Howard Karp, 896 Walck Rd., and the late Mr. Karp. No
date has been set for the wedding.
North Tonawanda NY Evening News
W h i t e flowers on t h e a l t a r of Grace Evangelican
L u t h e r a n Church. N o r t h Tonawanda, and palms
f o r m e d a b a c k g r o u n d April 8 f o r t h e marriage of Miss
S h i r l e y Ann M a r t i n a n d J e r o m e G. K a r p ,
The Rev. Howard Funk offi-
ciated for the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer h. Martin of 174 Zim-
merman St., North Tonawanda
and the son of Mrs. Howard Karp
of Walck Road, North Tonawan-
da, and the late Mr. Karp.
The bride wore a gown of im-
ported Chantilly lace with a
basque bodice accented with long
tapered sleeves. The bouffant
skirt featured scalloped lace tiers
terminating in a cathedral
length train. Lace applique out-
lined the portrait neckline. Her
double tiered scalloped veil fell
from a coronet of lace and pearl
bow-knows. She carried a white or-
chid on a satin covered Bible
edged with lace and seed pearls.
The matron of honor, Mrs. Rob-
ert g. Martin, sister-in-law of the
bride, wore a full length purple
taffeta princess style gown fash-
ioned with a Sabrina neckline
Taffeta cabbage roses formed a
bustle as back interest on the
skirt. She wore a matching petal
hat and veil and white gloves and
carried a cascade bouquet of yel-
low roses and white stock. The
bridesmaids, Miss Sandra Martin,
cousin of the bride, Mrs. Robert
Zeisz and Miss Adelaide Stein-
gasser wore identical dresses and
carried cascade bouquets of pink
roses and white stock. Karen Mar-
tin, niece of the bride, as flower
girl wore a frock of pale orchid
nylon with a jewel neckline. Ruf-
fles on the bodice formed a V-
front and extended to the back and
the bouffant skirt was ruffled. She
wore a matching hat and short
white gloves and carried a basket
of mixed flowers.
Wayne Karp attended his broth-
er as best man. Ushers were Rob-
ert Zeisz, Robert G. Martin, the
bride's brother, Frank Marriott
and Robert martin Jr., was the
ring bearer.
The bride's mother was attired
in a Dior blue lace dress with
matching hat. Patent accessories
and a white orchid corsage com-
pleted her ensemble. The bride-
groom's mother wore a blue print
dress, and matching hat with
patent accessories and an orchid
A reception for 350 people fol-
lowed the ceremony in the State
Armory, Tonawanda. The bride's
table was covered with a lace
cloth adn centered with a wedding
cake and white tapers. Out of town
guests were from Atlanta, Geor-
gia, Lockport, Buffalo and Niaga-
ra Falls.
For a wedding trip to Florida
the bride wore a beige suit with
matching hat and dark brown ac-
cessories and an orchid corsage
Mr. and Mrs. Karp will be at home
after April 28 in 45 Bryant St.,
North Tonawanda.
Hostesses at showers for the
bride were Mrs. Robert G. Mar-
tin, Mrs. Elmer H. Martin, Mrs.
Robert Zeisz, Miss Sandra Martin,
Miss Adelaide Steingasser, offi-
cers of Augustus H. Crown Chap-
ter, Order of Eastern Star, the
bride's co-workers at Exolon Co.
and a group of club members.