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- Niagara Gazette
Mrs. Eliza I. Bradley, 71, of
1102 Main St., a resident of this
city for 50 years, die*d yesterday
(March 23. 1956) at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Abie.
808 Division Ave.
Mrs. Bradley, a native of Thorold,
Ont., had been ill a short
She had been employed for 15
years at the Elderficld and Hartshorn
Hardware Store until it went
out of business last year.
Mrs. Bradley was a member of
Pierce Avenue Presbyterian Church,
Woodmen of the World. Amaranth.
Riverdale Rebekah Lodge No. 195
and Frontier Chapter No. 658,
Order of the Eastern Star.
Besides her daughter, Mrs. BraJley
is survived by her husband,
Ernest H. Bradley; two sisters, Mrs.
Mary Jane Coughill and Mrs. Rose
Wills, and a brother, Allan Dale,
all of this city. Also surviving arc
three other sisters. Mrs.--Charles
Johnston, Altoona, Pa.: Mrs. Ethel
Seymour* Buffalo, and Mrs. Edward
Stapleford, St. Catharines,
Ont., and two grandchildren.
The Rev. .Ferman A. Kearney.
D.D.,. pastor of Pierce Avenue
Presbyterian Church, will conduct
funeral services at 1:30 p.m. Toesday
at the Gridley Funeral Home.
Members of the Rebekah Lodge
will hold memorial services at the
funeral home at 7 p.m. Monday
and members of the Frontier Chapter
will gather there for similar
services at 7:30' p.m.
Burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery.