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- Niagara Gazette
WOJTON-Natalie (nee Ciesiak) of 129
Wakefield, Anaheim, California, In
Glendale Memorial Hospital, Monday
March 2, 1964. beloved wife of Walter
Wojton of California daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ciesiak, of
this city; sister of Mrs. Joseph (Irene)
, Pizzimenti of this city, George Cieslak
of California, also survived by one
niece and one nephew. Funeral arrangements are being completed at
tha Zajac Funeral Home.
Niagara Gazette - 3/4/1964
Services for Mrs. Natalie P.
(Tarnogurski) Wojton. 46, of
Anaheim, Calif., a former Ni-
agara Falls resident, will be
held from the Zajac Funeral
Home at 9:30 a.m., Saturday.
and at 10 a.m. from St. Stanis-
laud Kostka Church. Burial
will be in Holy Trinity Ceme-
Mrs. Wojton died in Glen-
dale, Calif., Monday (March 2,
1964). She was born in Depew
Aug. 2, 1917 and had lived in
Niagara Falls for many years
prior to moving to California
in 1957. she was employed for
several years by the Bell Aero-
systems Co.
She is survived by her hus-
band, Walter s. Wojton, of
Anaheim, Calif.; one sister,
Mrs. Joseph (Irene) Pizzimen-
ti, of Niagara Falls; one broth-
er, George Cieslak, of Ana-
heim, Calif., and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cieslak
of Niagara Falls.
Friends may call at the fu-
neral home between 7 and 10
p.m. today and from 2 to 5 and
7 to 10 p.m. Thursday and