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- Niagara Gazette - 3/12/1927
SANBORN, Mar. 12 - The funerel
of Charles Wollaber, age 71, who died
at his home In this village on Wednesday,
March 9, was held from his
late home on Friday at 1:10. The
Rer. F. N. Taft officiated, assisted
by Rer. B. W. Arnold. The Independent
Order of Odd Fellows attended
In a body and had a, part in the
service at the home and conducted
the service at the grave. Mr. Wollaber
is survived by his wife. Addle
(Sabine), two sons, Edgar of Lockport,
and Oscar of the Million Dollar
highway, one brother, William, of
the Ridge road, one sister, Mary Wollaber
of Sanborn, and two grandchildren.
Deceased was the son of the
late William and Abbie (Tisdale)
Wollaber, and was born at the Wollaber
homstead on the Ridge road. In
his early married life he lived on the
Comstock farm on the Saunders Settelment
road; later be bought a farm
on the Lower Mountain road where
he lived until eight years ago when
he moved to Sanborn. Three years
ago he suffered a stroke and has been
confined to his home ever since. He
was a member of the Cambria Center
church, Forest lodge, L O. O. FNo.
202; the Orange and Pomona
Orange. The funeral was very largely
attended, showing the esteem in
which he was held.
The bearers were Messrs. Ray
Kline, N. C. Martin, Clyde Dean, Oeo.
Sornberger. R. T. Le Van and Mervyn
W. Trelchler, members of the
L O. O. F. Burial was In North Ridge