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- Niagara Gazette - 2/17/1939
LOCKPORT, Feb. 17.-Stricken
by a cerebral hemorrhage while at
the home of a neighbor yesterday,
Mrs. Adlena Haln, 51, wife of
George P. Haln, 17 Webb street,
died within 10 minutes. Mrs. Hain
had been called to the home of
Kimball A. Johnston. 17 Webb
street, by Mrs. Johnston when the
latter's young child was burned by
hot water. The child was only
slightly burned.
Mrs.'Haln was born In Royalton
and had lived In Clarence, N. Y.,
before coming to this city 20 years
ago. She was a member of Trinity
Lutheran church. Surviving, besides
her husband, are three sons.
Wlllard R., Emory M., and Richard
W. Hain. and a daughter, Betty Y.
Haln ,all of this city; her father,
William Wolter, Lockport; a brother,
Edward Wolter, Middleport, and
three sisters, Mrs. Albert Wolter and
Mrs. Ella Selik, this city, and Mrs.
Edward Baehr, Shelby, N. Y.
Funeral services will be held Sun-
day afternoon in the Haln home
and later in Trinity Lutheran
church. Burial will be in the Clarence
Center cemetery.