Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 1/10/1967
Mrs. Harriet- L. Woodley,
85, d i e d Monday (Jan. 9,
1967) at her home, 421 Walnut
Eventual Cayuga Creek Cleanup
Is Envisioned by City Council
The City Council, using the
old Chinese maxim "the journey
of a thousand mites begins
with a single step," started
the long trip toward cleaning
up Cayuga Creek Monday.
The smelly, sewage filled
waterway, always on the
Council's list of things to do
but usually the subject of talk
only, was one of the main
topics in a work sssion at
City Hall that resulted in
positive personnel action.
Building, Housing and Rehabilitation
Director Guy L.
Forcucci told the Council improper
sewage connections to
municipal storm, sewers and
'the creek itself are the main
causes of pollution. Some
1.500 LaSalle area connections
violating city "sewer ordinances
are thought to exist.
To carry out an ordinance
enforcement program, the director
said, seventeer new
staffers would be needed.
The Council gave him one.
it it ft
Actually, the informal Counciil
agreement-to be ratified
at next Monday's meetingwas
not as ineffectual as it
Mr. Forcucci said four
j o u rneymen plumbers, or
their equivalents, would be
needed to head twelve crewmen
that would be employed
from the Neighborhood Youth
Corps. When asked what the
enforcement program would
consist of, he said the crew
leaders would dump dye in
homeowners' toilets while the
youth workers wait at' sewer
connections to se whic'.. house
is hooked to which main.
"You mean you need j(urneyman
plumber to dump dye
in a bowl and flush it?" asked
Councilman Samuel J, Ingrasci;
The building director said
s o m e one with equivalent
plumbing knowledge is needed
to direct the work.
He estimated "it will take
at least twp years for test=
it it it
ing and enforcement before
we begin to lick this thing."
C i t y Personnel Director
Frank Maietta said it would
cost about $22,980 to hire
four new sewer inspectors,
so the Council decided to
start the. enforcement effort
with one "sanitary investigator"
at $5,746 annually and
consider hiring more later.
Mario Pirastru, director of
the Neighborhood Y o u t h.
Corps, indicated you* workers
could be made available
(** the .program, but Councilman
Gerard J. LaPointe
asked' if their employment
would cause friction with the
plumbers' union.
Councilman William M. Paterson,
who is also business
agent for Plumbers & Steamfitters
Local 129, said "I don't
anticipate 'any problem' if
youth corps workers are employed."
He a g r e e d with
Mayor E. Dent Lackey's contention
that plumbers will welcome
the inspections "because
ft ft it
eventually it will create more
work than they can handle
in new sewer connections."
Mr. Paterson cauti o n e d
"you really need a master diplomat
for these jobs; someone
who knows what he's
doing, because you're going
to get a big reaction from
people out there."
According to Mr. Forcucci,
the elimination of untreated
waste into the creek will only
be achieved through installation
of sanitary sewers where
they are presently lacking.
He said an effort "of this
magnitude cannot be initiated
with a crash program attitude,"
and said it will take
"patience, pefserverance and
determination" to clean up
the creek.
Even with a full staff, he
said, it will probably take two
years just to serve notices of
violation. The new sanitary
investigator will probably be
hired before the end of the
ft ft ft -
She was a lifelong resident
of this city.
Mrs. W o o d 1 e y was the
widow of Dr. Frank E. Woodley
who died in 1947. He was
a dentist and the first orthodentist
in Niagara Falls.
Mrs. Woodley was a mem-,
ber of St. Peter's Episcopal
Church and a charter member
T>„fthe S.t Peter's Episcopal
Guild. She was a former
member of the Niagara
Falls Women's Republican
She is survived by a son,
Frank E. Woodley Jr., this
city, and eight grandchildren.
Mrs. Woodley was the sister
of the late N.F. Maddever,
former editor of the Niagara
Falls Gazette:
Private f u n e r a l services
will be held in the Cornell and
Dagget Funeral Home, Wednesday
at 2 p.m. Rev. Canon
Richard B. Townsend will officiate.
Burial will be in Riverdale
The family said that contributions
to the St. Peter's Episcopal
Church Memorial Fund
will be acceptable as tribute.