Laur Family and others

Genealogy of the Laur, Lauer, Soos families together with information on cities in Germany including Laichingen, Feldstetten and Machtolsheim.

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New York



Matches 1 to 50 of 22233

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
1 Abbie  Jul 1859New York I157425 Laur from Germany 
2 Abbie  10 Mar 1898New York I151148 Laur from Germany 
3 Abegail  Abt 1825New York I101494 Laur from Germany 
4 Ada L  Dec 1873New York I69955 Laur from Germany 
5 Ada M  Abt 1854New York I64574 Laur from Germany 
6 Adaline  Abt 1840New York I66356 Laur from Germany 
7 Adaline S  Abt 1818New York I144080 Laur from Germany 
8 Adelade  Jun 1856New York I85437 Laur from Germany 
9 Adelaide F  Abt 1850New York I176186 Laur from Germany 
10 Adelia M  Mar 1859New York I160169 Laur from Germany 
11 Adeline  Abt 1844New York I133845 Laur from Germany 
12 Adeline  Abt 1879New York I39728 Laur from Germany 
13 Adeline  Abt 1901New York I107159 Laur from Germany 
14 Adeline M  Dec 1847New York I111962 Laur from Germany 
15 Agatha F J  Abt 1870New York I66374 Laur from Germany 
16 Agnes  31 Aug 1892New York I91854 Laur from Germany 
17 Agnes C  30 Jan 1893New York I185885 Laur from Germany 
18 Agnes E  Abt 1891New York I67215 Laur from Germany 
19 Agnes F  Abt 1912New York I107494 Laur from Germany 
20 Aimee W  Abt 1868New York I7220 Laur from Germany 
21 Alberta  7 Mar 1892New York I126956 Laur from Germany 
22 Albertina  Nov 1860New York I162985 Laur from Germany 
23 Albertina W F  Nov 1861New York I65165 Laur from Germany 
24 Alfreda F  4 Dec 1914New York I128989 Laur from Germany 
25 Algina  Abt 1866New York I121856 Laur from Germany 
26 Alice  Abt 1857New York I138735 Laur from Germany 
27 Alice  1864New York I82996 Laur from Germany 
28 Alice  Aug 1865New York I106943 Laur from Germany 
29 Alice  Abt 1875New York I157398 Laur from Germany 
30 Alice  Abt 1895New York I95025 Laur from Germany 
31 Alice  30 Oct 1896New York I107438 Laur from Germany 
32 Alice  Abt 1897New York I150641 Laur from Germany 
33 Alice  Abt 1909New York I92106 Laur from Germany 
34 Alice A  Abt 1840New York I176971 Laur from Germany 
35 Alice A  Abt 1854New York I141940 Laur from Germany 
36 Alice A  Apr 1862New York I170810 Laur from Germany 
37 Alice A  Jan 1872New York I111704 Laur from Germany 
38 Alice C  Apr 1857New York I149691 Laur from Germany 
39 Alice E  Abt 1905New York I160390 Laur from Germany 
40 Alice H  Abt 1907New York I139468 Laur from Germany 
41 Alice J  Abt 1883New York I144390 Laur from Germany 
42 Alice K  Abt 1905New York I138848 Laur from Germany 
43 Alice L  Abt 1882New York I131302 Laur from Germany 
44 Alice M  Dec 1861New York I110648 Laur from Germany 
45 Alice M  Abt 1878New York I124018 Laur from Germany 
46 Alice S  Abt 1878New York I87624 Laur from Germany 
47 Alma  16 Oct 1891New York I152580 Laur from Germany 
48 Alritta  Abt 1852New York I139131 Laur from Germany 
49 Alta  Abt 1896New York I64638 Laur from Germany 
50 Alvina  Abt 1900New York I121324 Laur from Germany 

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Matches 1 to 50 of 353

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID   Tree 
1 Anna Elizabeth  22 Aug 2016New York I220760 Laur from Germany 
2 Bertha  1925New York I137105 Laur from Germany 
3 Bertha G  Between 1905 and 1910New York I121480 Laur from Germany 
4 Edith M  Between 1920 and 1930New York I160518 Laur from Germany 
5 Elizabeth  Between 1900 and 1910New York I116950 Laur from Germany 
6 Ellen  9 May 1990New York I178685 Laur from Germany 
7 Lillian  Aug 1985New York I134475 Laur from Germany 
8 Louise  Jun 1903New York I73465 Laur from Germany 
9 Nora C  Jun 1980New York I44040 Laur from Germany 
10 Rosa D  7 Feb 1952New York I173162 Laur from Germany 
11 Rosina  Between 1880 and 1900New York I132776 Laur from Germany 
12 Ruth  1902New York I182271 Laur from Germany 
13 Sarah J  1905New York I39070 Laur from Germany 
14 Selma  Between 1915 and 1920New York I44100 Laur from Germany 
15 ACKERMAN, James Charles  4 Dec 2021New York I112034 Laur from Germany 
16 ACKSEL, Herman  Bef 1930New York I62089 Laur from Germany 
17 ALLARD, Silas J  6 Mar 1911New York I57931 Laur from Germany 
18 ALLARD, Stephen B  1907New York I57930 Laur from Germany 
19 ALLEN, Everet F  Bef 1910New York I114208 Laur from Germany 
20 ANDREES, Norman H  14 Dec 1990New York I45193 Laur from Germany 
21 ANDREWS, Harry Franklin  7 Jan 1961New York I203668 Laur from Germany 
22 ARNOLD, Louis P  14 Jan 1949New York I118639 Laur from Germany 
23 BALLING, Louise M  25 May 2018New York I122620 Laur from Germany 
24 BANE, Fred  Abt 1917New York I123165 Laur from Germany 
25 BANNING, George Albert  11 Mar 1919New York I123545 Laur from Germany 
26 BARBER, Alva Mathew  Between 1930 and 1940New York I120604 Laur from Germany 
27 BARNES, James C  2 Dec 1934New York I94833 Laur from Germany 
28 BATT, Albert Aloysius  30 Jan 1991New York I77661 Laur from Germany 
29 BEDORE, Charles J  Feb 1989New York I129836 Laur from Germany 
30 BEHM, Dorothea Louise  16 Dec 1904New York I55153 Laur from Germany 
31 BEHM, Frederike  1913New York I55224 Laur from Germany 
32 BEHM, Harold James  Jan 1977New York I70343 Laur from Germany 
33 BELSCHNER, Mary Ellen  12 Nov 2015New York I135331 Laur from Germany 
34 BENEDYCZAK, Jordan F  11 May 2011New York I98928 Laur from Germany 
35 BERARD, Ray  Nov 1965New York I139644 Laur from Germany 
36 BEREAN, Gordon E  Jul 1950New York I139808 Laur from Germany 
37 BERNAT, Rose  Feb 1984New York I141248 Laur from Germany 
38 BEYER, John L  12 May 1991New York I143426 Laur from Germany 
39 BICKER, Wallace A  30 Jul 1990New York I144009 Laur from Germany 
40 BILLINGS, Edith  Abt 1926New York I145610 Laur from Germany 
41 BLAKE, Marie  Bef 1931New York I106843 Laur from Germany 
42 BLAKELOCK, Bernard  5 Jan 1941New York I11643 Laur from Germany 
43 BODINE, Raymond  7 Jul 1966New York I154356 Laur from Germany 
44 BOWER, Norman H  Abt 1929New York I160451 Laur from Germany 
45 BRANDT, George J  Apr 1965New York I166299 Laur from Germany 
46 BRASS, Edward C  Dec 1962New York I166487 Laur from Germany 
47 BRAUNIG, Bernard  29 Sep 1918New York I167600 Laur from Germany 
48 BRAWN, Brenda Leigh  30 Mar 2000New York I49979 Laur from Germany 
49 BRAYLEY, Maurice J  5 Sep 1989New York I168131 Laur from Germany 
50 BREGE, George W  Abt Oct 1959New York I168623 Laur from Germany 

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Matches 1 to 50 of 328

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   Family    Marriage    Family ID   Tree 
1 Achterberg /   Abt 1899New York F31912 Laur from Germany 
2 Allison / Coulter  Abt 1916New York F53056 Laur from Germany 
3 Ames / Fortunato  6 Jun 1950New York F76278 Laur from Germany 
4 Armstrong / Newton  Abt 1922New York F28327 Laur from Germany 
5 Ashby / Brooks  Abt Nov 1929New York F64137 Laur from Germany 
6 Barnhart / Bulman  18 Nov 1891New York F69252 Laur from Germany 
7 Bartel / Dubois  1904New York F21119 Laur from Germany 
8 Bartz / Laughlin  1910New York F17447 Laur from Germany 
9 Beakman / Sewar  20 Sep 1926New York F45729 Laur from Germany 
10 Beary / Burns  Abt Oct 1896New York F45814 Laur from Germany 
11 Beckman / Duwe  1928New York F23957 Laur from Germany 
12 Bedell / Kohl  19 Jul 1934New York F46446 Laur from Germany 
13 Behnke / Moll  1893New York F19877 Laur from Germany 
14 Beitz /   Abt 1900New York F51847 Laur from Germany 
15 Benedict /   Abt 1881New York F48248 Laur from Germany 
16 Bennion / Perry  10 Jan 1910New York F48789 Laur from Germany 
17 Benteen /   Abt 1908New York F48951 Laur from Germany 
18 Benwitz / Sedore  Abt 1928New York F49131 Laur from Germany 
19 Beutel / Rietsch  1895New York F18308 Laur from Germany 
20 Beutel / Trippensee  1905New York F18312 Laur from Germany 
21 Bewley / King  Abt 1899New York F51216 Laur from Germany 
22 Bewley / Stegman  Abt 1898New York F51215 Laur from Germany 
23 Beyette / Heald  Abt 1882New York F51353 Laur from Germany 
24 Biddle /   7 Mar 1943New York F51669 Laur from Germany 
25 Bills / Murphy  Abt 1886New York F52324 Laur from Germany 
26 Bills / Newing  16 Jun 1934New York F52271 Laur from Germany 
27 Bills / Sewell  Abt 1919New York F52332 Laur from Germany 
28 Bills / Woodward  Abt 1912New York F52360 Laur from Germany 
29 Birdsall / Mount  1900New York F52472 Laur from Germany 
30 Birmingham /   Abt 1923New York F52514 Laur from Germany 
31 Biro / Ives   F52573 Laur from Germany 
32 Bischkopf / Voelker  1882New York F17154 Laur from Germany 
33 Bishop / Milliman  Abt 1921New York F49199 Laur from Germany 
34 Bishop / Mills  30 Dec 1933New York F50685 Laur from Germany 
35 Bistoff /   Abt 1921New York F53071 Laur from Germany 
36 Bitterman /   Abt 1933New York F53088 Laur from Germany 
37 Bitterman / Koeppel  Abt Aug 1925New York F53089 Laur from Germany 
38 Bittler /   Abt 1900New York F53144 Laur from Germany 
39 Bixler / Dysinger  Abt 1905New York F53239 Laur from Germany 
40 Blackburn / Rohlman  Abt Oct 1940New York F53406 Laur from Germany 
41 Blackley / Fraas  Abt 1925New York F34147 Laur from Germany 
42 Blackley / Haylett  Abt 1928New York F53623 Laur from Germany 
43 Blackley / Kirkman  Abt 1924New York F53534 Laur from Germany 
44 Blacklock / Blacklock  Abt 1899New York F53661 Laur from Germany 
45 Blackman / Hoag  Abt Nov 1906New York F27753 Laur from Germany 
46 Blackmore /   Abt 1925New York F53772 Laur from Germany 
47 Blackwell / Currie  Between 1930 and 1933New York F37184 Laur from Germany 
48 Blaine / Hughes  Abt Mar 1935New York F53821 Laur from Germany 
49 Blair /   Abt May 1865New York F53924 Laur from Germany 
50 Blaise /   Abt Jan 1929New York F21231 Laur from Germany 

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Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Family    Divorce    Family ID   Tree 
1 Albon / Hebert  Abt 1951New York F39315 Laur from Germany 
2 Bissell / Clark  Between 1933 and 1940New York F52928 Laur from Germany 
3 Bray / Coloney  New York F60980 Laur from Germany 
4 Shafer / Lange  New York F4123 Laur from Germany 
5 Walck / Kowalik   F17538 Laur from Germany 

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