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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 1/26/1976
Lanora S. Rumbold, 79,
Saturday (Jan. 24, 1976)
at the Nanatee Con-
valescent Center,
Bradenton, Fla.,
following a long illness.
Daughter of the late
Frank F. and Lanora M.
Sidmore Rumbold, Miss
Rumbold is survived by
five cousins, Leigh
Rumbold of Kenmore,
Dr. Lynn Rumbold of
Rochester, Mrs. Edward
M. (Helen) Jones of
Bradenton, Fla., Robert
W. Steel of Pickney,
Mich., and Mrs. Frank
(Ellen) Lumney of the
Town of Tonawanda and
a niece, Mrs. Robert
(Joanne) Bickel of Orchard
Park, N.Y.
Miss Rumbold was a
life long resident of
Tonawanda, spending the
last several years in
F l o r i d a . Following
graduation she served in
the Navy, Toronto, Ontario.
She was secretary
for the Common Dan
Stock & Bond Co., In
B u f f a l o , a former
s e c r e t a r y of the
Tonawanda Republican
City Committee and a
member of the First
Presbyterian Church.
Visitation hours at the
Hilliard Funeral Home,
Inc., 147 Delaware St..
T o n a w a n d a will be
Monday from 7 to 9 p.m.
and Tuesday from 2 to 4
and 7 to 9 p.m. Relatives
and friends are invited to
attend a Memorial
Service at the First
Presbyterian Church, 149
Broad St., Tonawanda
Wednesday at 1 p.m., the
Rev. Walter C. Wenhold
officiating. Private in-
terment and committal
service at Elmlawn
Cemetery Wednessday
morning at the con-
venience of the family.