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- Niagara Gazette - 12/21/1931
Mrs". Mary Jane Hughey. 73 years
old, widow of James Hughey, Crimea
war veteran, died suddenly yesterday In
the home of her raughtcr, Mrs. Thomas
Boyd. 646 Twenty-fifth street. Funeral
services will be held in her daughter's
home on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock, with the Rev. w.- C. Croft*, of
the Pierce Avenue Presbyterian church,
officiating. Burial will be in Memorial
Park Cemetery.
Besides her daughter, Mrs. Boyd. Mrs.
Hughey Is survived by two sons. Arthur
and Robert Hughey, both of this city;
a son. William; a daughter. Mrs. Daniel
Nell, and a sister, Mrs. Alex Wilson,
all of Scotland, and several nieces,
nephews and grand children.